Well, the 12th again, and that means one thing: Chad Darnell's
12 of 12 project with great pics from
today from all over the place. Good good whole wheat fun. I know there're no themes this year, but I like them and well, ice and cold have been on my mind all day (as I sit here in a woolly sweater and
toque typing and thinking about tea...) So, this is my bonus pic of the ice sculptures from the Winterlude winter festival here in town. (Even tho I thought it wouldn't happen
last month, the canal is open for skating during the festival btw, but it was too cold tonight to get pix).

Here's my least favourite side effect of the cold:
Raynaud's phenomenon. See how my finger tips are all white? They started purple, then went white & tingly, then eventually (~45 min) back to normal. In the spring and fall they bounce back to red hot & tingly. This wasn't too bad as it was only the pads rather than all the way down unbending fingers.

Would also suck to be waiting around in the -20C / -33 C windchill (-4F/ -27F) temps this morning. This is the view down the block of
taxi drivers protesting in-car cameras. They filled the streets outside city hall & courthouse (the buildings in the background) and honked and refused passengers.

Very excited: New cutlery with one of the grotty old spoons in there for scale. Plastic handles on cutlery is really dumb unless you don't wash with hot water. All cracked and stained and ready for the garbage (or a give away if we can make them presentable/not a biohazard) to make way for the shiny, sleek new ones.

This is my blotter. All of these pics belong in a big collage that never got finished. All our cute friends and their cute kids.

This is the wall of family. These are things I like to look at when some blowhard makes the news with stuff like in this
parody or this
This is the mountain of snow from my
Dec 12 of 12 its still as tall, but as you can see in the next pic, about as big as a
football field (take your pick).

This is the view from my cubicle. Notice the
flag of the
Syrian embassy. I'm sure they were thrilled to look across and see someone from a Govt. of Canada building taking photos of their embassy offices...

This is my cubicle. I need something for the walls. This is
what I'm working on. Happy back to work Chad. We'll be glad to see some new shows (although also glad some
Canadian shows got picked up... unless they get dropped again)

After work I went to the train station to pick up Leah. En route there was a very brave bicyclist at the corner of Colonel By Drive and Hawthorne near the Pretoria bridge. So, so windy at that spot and icy. The only thing is if you wiped out you might not feel anything from being numb from cold.

That's Leah in the blue jacket. She walked up to me having seen the camera and said "12 of 12?". I'm so predictable...

This is at the grocery store. I love how the promo for healthy blue label products runs across the display case. Leah's fave was the one with the dump trucks in the top left corner. I didn't have a fave because I don't like those icy rose decorations. I like the idea of a dump truck cake...

And from there it was home to have dinner, bundle up in woolly clothing and drink tea. Dinner is long gone, but the rest is ongoing.
Cheers and stay warm,
Love the ice sculpture. Sorry to here about the frosty fingers. I guess living in Canada has to have one drawback.
Didn't know Canada had spies. I guess we're not suppose to know. ;)
As far as the cabbies go, technology is a two edge sword. Any company can keep an eye on employees, why should cabbies be any different now that mobile technology has caught up. Truck drivers have had GPS tracking for a while now. Smile and wave to big brother.
Great ice sculpture picture and those cakes look delicious, hope your hands warmed up.
Great photos! Thanks for sharing your day with us. A friend of mine has Raynaud's Phenomenon, too. The first time she showed me her hands, I thought she had frost bite. Stay warm!
Brrrrr! I love the ice sculpture! My finger tips don't go white, but my hands do get very cold - I hope you ca warm up!
Helen (Dogeared)
Holy crap I could eat all that icing off all of those cakes right now. Except I'd leave the dump trucks for you. Unles they're pure icing of course, then they're really fair game...
Oh, and I did like the other photos. Esp. your cubicle! I just can't get my mind off those cakes for some odd reason. ;)
Thanks for the comments (a bit late... I know, how gauche)
Hibe: Lots don't have frosty fingers, just a lucky few. It limited my ski patrol days as I clawed at patients
Lisa: The ice sculpture is my fave too.
Scooter: It's weird to have frostbitten fingers when they do this in say, June... computers are the worst, must be the ergonomics or something.
Dogeared: I did warm up eventually. No where near as cold here now (but just as snowy if not moreso).
Stacie: The cubicle?! Are you just trying to rub it in and get me to Whitehorse?!
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